Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Brothers

Not a great photo, sorry about the bizarre angle. But you get the idea. I still have to settle on a plan for the backgrounds... solid color? text? any suggestions?

P.S - No points for guessing what I was listening to today while I painted these.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Cutting My Teeth

Today was actually pretty productive for once. I finished organizing my desk, got a hair cut, helped cook the worlds largest batch of chili, played my pump organ and guitar, and drew up a few little illustrations, including the cut tooth.

I did these two fine fellows (supposed to be the Carter boys) today, working on them took me about 15 to 20 minutes each. It's a style I'm not familiar with, because I generally work more loosely without very much regard to proportion and such truck. They're not finished yet, but I think they're looking decent.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Summer Bummer

My sentiments exactly. Too hot today, but supposed to rain tomorrow... why?


photo courtesy of one Mr. J. Salakka
A year ago today friends I boarded a plane and left half of my heart in place 5,000 miles from me. Thanks to all those fantastic people across the Atlantic, I miss ya and I'll see you again sometime! Suomi tulee aina olemaan kaunis muisti.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Golden Years

I used to pull your words straight out of your mouth
And put them in my pockets
Ballast for my wandering mind
It made you laugh
With your eyes wide
Your hands in mine
As I gazed on 
In wonder of your beautiful syllables.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Hardly Working

I've been doing a lot of slacking off so I decided to be productive and make a collage today... but my printer was out of black ink so I ended up with a very pink lady, who I used anyway. I did a bit of watercolor across the mouth to spice things up even more.

I found this lovely little drawing when I was cleaning my desk the other day. My brother drew it of me and I think it's pretty sweet. Too bad I'm not nearly that cool in real life....

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Giant Bats and Then Some

This illustration by CMR is fantastic, it makes my day every time I look at it. Giant bats are everywhere, BEWARE!

Little black and white collage I did a little while back... A pain to cut and paste, but I think it looks good. I wanna to some more of these. I recently tried using a white-out pen to draw the lines onto the image rather than cutting, but it smeared to easily and didn't look that good, so I guess it's back to the trusty exacto blade and glue stick technique.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


 The heat has hit and I'm not sure I like summer that much any more, because sweating my body weight on an hourly basis is not my idea of fun. Thankfully I have some good books, great tunes, and a whole lot of unfinished artwork to keep me happy, despite the torturous temperatures. I'm interested in a few new styles and ideas right now which means I'm doing a lot of hopping back and forth between pieces without actually finishing much... but I've got a couple near completion. For now here are a few more older drawings... A stigmata hand and a triangle tangle.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

In Between

Went exploring with good ol' Kai a few days back. We poked around an abandoned house/barn deal near the edge of town and took a few pictures. We could get into the barn, which was full of good stuff, but weren't able to actually get inside the house despite a whole lot of slamming against doors and climbing onto roofs. I took back an old photo which had been on the floor of the barn as a souvenir.

I really really love empty houses and all that stuff so it was a pretty good time. I just got to keep my eyes open for more of them and plan some expeditions.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Going, Going, Gone

I'm off to go camping out by Gualala for the next six days, which ought to be a good time. Between packing I found a bit of time to sketch up a little goblin friend. It's been a while since I've drawn one of these fellows, I need to do it more often cause they're pretty fun. I also put a picture in of one of my favorite guys, I did him a while ago but he's a good one. I like his hat the most... It's a crime.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Coming of Age

Yesterday I finished up and sewed a couple new patches onto my vest... Minor Threat, LiveFastDie, and Black Flag now grace my favorite article of clothing. One day it will be the mother of all vests. but I'm kind of a sissy punk and it shows. I look at the adorning of the vest as a sort of punk rock walkabout... and the day it is finished will be the day I've achieved ultimate, tough as nails, hardcoreness. This can only be attained through hours of blood and sweat, stitching, stenciling, and studding this fine piece of denim.  So the great work continues....

 In other news I went to see Super 8 last night and I dig it all the way, and I don't generally go in for alien movies. Yall should go and buy yourselves a ticket and go check it out.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Kira Roessler is a Hero

Kira Roessler was the bassist for Black flag from 1984 to 1985.... Meaning she worked on some of my all time favorites. Kira Roessler is a hero.

Cut and Dry

A couple of smoking friends I cut up. They looked like a team so I thought I'd post them together. Plus an older triangle type fellow, who  I just ran across in one of my sketch books and decided to throw in for good measure. I like the way this whole circle concept looks so you can expect to see some more of these over the next few days...

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Some of the triangular/geometric theme collages I've been doing these days. I did quite a few of these black and white ones which I pasted in an old book. I still want to do a few more just to fill it up, but to be honest I'm getting a bit tired of the triangles, they've been all over my work for a while now and they're really great, but I want to try something different. I've been messing around a bit with circular cutouts, so we'll see how that pans out. Lots of cutting and lots of gluing, which suits me just fine.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Everybody's Doin' It

I would give a statement of purpose / excuse for starting this blog, only I don't think there is one yet. As things move along I'll see if any method comes up behind the madness, but there's a pretty big chance that there won't be any. Just another new thing to try. Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea is where I am right now. And I'm not sure if I'm gonna sink or sell my soul.